
Data – driven insights for parents and teachers

Why data matters for parents? 

Parents are essential partners in education, and they have a right and a responsibility to  know how their children are performing and progressing. Data can help parents understand  their children’s strengths and challenges, monitor their goals and achievements, and  support their learning at home and school. Data can also help parents advocate for their  children’s needs and interests and participate in school improvement efforts. 

How to engage parents with data? 

Data sharing is not a one-way communication, but a two-way dialogue. You should not only  inform parents, but also involve them in the data analysis and interpretation. You should ask  parents for their opinions, insights, and suggestions, and listen to their concerns and  questions. You should also encourage parents to use the data to support their children’s  learning at home, such as by setting goals, providing feedback, and celebrating  achievements. 

Stronger partnership with parents 

Parents who are informed on what and why instructional or intervention efforts  are being delivered to their child – and see the data that is driving these  strategies – feel empowered and more equipped to help progress day-to-day  teaching efforts outside of the classroom.  


How data analysis help in teaching better? 

1. Identifying Student Needs 

Utilizing data analysis in teaching provides valuable insights into students’ needs and  requirements. By examining various data points such as assessments, quizzes, and  classroom observations, teachers can gain a comprehensive understanding of each  student’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles.

2. Tracking student progress 

By collecting and analysing various forms of data, such as assessments, quizzes, and  assignments, teachers can monitor individual student performance over time. This allows  educators to identify trends, patterns, and areas of improvement or concern. 

3. Assessing Learning Outcomes 

By comparing the data against predetermined benchmarks or standards, teachers can  determine the effectiveness of their instructional strategies and adjust their teaching  methods accordingly. data analysis help teachers make evidence-based decisions about  curriculum design, instructional techniques, and interventions to improve learning  outcomes for their students. 

4. Differentiating Instructions 

Data-driven differentiation enables teachers to provide personalized learning experiences  that foster student engagement, motivation, and academic growth. It ensures that students  receive the necessary support and opportunities to succeed, regardless of their individual  abilities or prior knowledge. 

5. Identifying effective teaching strategies 

Through data analysis, teachers can determine which teaching strategies and approaches  are most effective in promoting student learning and achievement. They can identify  patterns and trends in the data that highlight successful instructional techniques or areas  that may need improvement. 

6. Enhancing Parent-Teacher Communication 

Sharing data-driven information allows teachers to have meaningful discussions with  parents, enabling them to provide a comprehensive understanding of the student’s  performance. This data can include assessment results, classwork samples, and observations  that support the teacher’s assessment of the child’s progress. 

7. Making informed decisions about instructional content and methods 

By collecting and analysing student data, teachers gain valuable insights into individual  strengths, weaknesses, and progress. This information guides the selection of appropriate  instructional materials, pacing, and differentiation strategies to meet diverse student needs. 

8. Identifying areas of professional development for teachers using data 

By collecting and analysing data related to student performance, classroom observations,  and feedback, teachers can gain insights into their instructional practices and areas for  growth. These data-driven insights can be used to identify specific areas where teachers  may benefit from additional training, resources, or support. 



1. Why data matters for parents?
https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-can you-use-data-engage-parents-education-1nkde 

2. How to engage data with parents? 
https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how can-you-use-data-engage-parents-education-1nkde 

3. How data analysis help in teaching better? 
https://www.upeducators.com/blog/how-data-analysis-help-in-teaching better/ 


1. A detailed summary and analysis report is generated after the test.

2. Test summary report: It contains topic name, number of questions, attempted  questions, correct answers, wrong answers, score and number of worksheets

3.  Test analysis report: It contains the different areas of students’ progress.

4. Teachers and parents can see a detailed analysis of student’s performance.

5. This helps them to understand area where a child needs to focus.

https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Learning-Analytics-Reference-Model-modified from-18_fig2_339055597