Can we do something?
Can we help students to think holistically, and everyone will support their
selection and many questions force us to think differently
And our journey began...
Upcoming Initiatives
Bharat Bodh – Reshaping Our Understanding Of Indian Heritage
“A country’s development is not measured in material or economic growth but in the growth of its cultural capital and human development.”
The word ‘Bodh’ in Bharat Bodh signifies knowledge without apprehensions, boundaries, or limitations. Bharat is a land of great Eternal wisdom of our rich intellectual traditions, history and discoveries.
The environment of our country is built upon culture, thoughts, civilization, and transformation of those visions into action.
Children need to be taken on a path where they learn about Bharat through different stages of life and develop an ever-growing fondness for the motherland.
The Bharatiya conceptualization of the world encompasses philosophy, knowledge systems, principles of statecraft and legality, literature, architecture, art and music and all other important spheres of life. The diverse strands of the Bharatiya thought find unity in their objectives similar to the diversity and oneness of the universe.
Bhaasha: Language Learning Initiative (English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi)
This is based on the four skills of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, writing which have to be put into practice since having the ability to communicate well is the central purpose in learning any language. Communication entails the student’s capability to listen attentively to the exact meaning and to respond with appropriate words and with clear pronunciation.
The basic aims of the Language Learning initiative are
- To improve listening skills – individual with high quality audio.
- To improve speaking skills – individual, paired, groups.
- To present and demonstrate language skills – both screen and voice in seconds To monitor and guide students – discrete monitoring and intervention as required Increase the number of students taking languages.
- Significantly improve the Speaking Test results obtained.
- Encourage peer-assessment and parental involvement.