What are on demand exams?
A set of Question Paper is generated randomly by the computer out of already developed Question Bank based on the blueprint and paper design of the subject as and when demanded.
The planning and operational aspects of the On-Demand Examination (ODE) are as follows:
1. Development of the Question Bank based on the Designs and Blueprints
2. Development of Software Application Programme
3. Generation of Question paper and the corresponding Marking Scheme
Concept of ODE
Under ODE, a unique question paper having defined number of items is generated randomly by the computer. The question paper is unique for each student.
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Significant Characteristics of ODE
1. ODE allows the student to take examination when he/she is ready. Readiness depends on the Student and not on the institution.
2. ODE permits the student to choose the date of his/her examination.
3. ODE reduces the threat of failure in examination.
4. ODE removes frustration, loss of self esteem, peer group ridicule, and depression that are generally characterized by the Term-End Examination.
5. Since under ODE, information about result is immediate, success even bits is a strong motivating factor.
6. Under ODE, the degree and level of performance is decided by the student who can reappear in the examination as many times as s/he wants, till satisfied.
7. ODE is also helpful in containing malpractices in examinations, as it is a system where the tools for evaluation are unique for individual student. The question paper for each Student is different having comparable difficulty level.
8. ODE respects the individuality and sovereignty of the student.
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1. Allows the Student to get assessed when he/ she is ready. Readiness depends on the student and not on the institution.
2. Attempts to remove the stress of appearing in examination(s), whether for all subjects or in one subject at a fixed time and schedule.
3. Attempts to remove the threat of failure in examination.
4. Removes frustration, loss of self-esteem, peer group ridicule, depression etc.
5. Knowledge of results is almost immediate and success, even in one subject, is a strong motivating factor.
6. Degree and level of performance is decided by the student who can reappear in the examination as many times as one wants, till satisfied.
7. Every question paper for each Student is different having comparable difficulty level.
8. Respects the individuality and sovereignty of each Student.
1. Students can register online for On-Demand Exam anytime from anywhere.
2. Multi-mode registration-fee payment system including online payment through Credit Card or payment through bank draft.
3. Individualized question papers for different students generated on the day of examination.
4. Online submission of attendance on the day of exam.
Learners’ Views
1. As this system is very flexible in terms of the examination date, one can prepare for the examination according to one’s availability of time.
2. They get enough time for preparation, and they can improve as many times as they want.
3. There is no fixed time for registration. The students can register on any day for writing the examination.
4.We can plan to appear in the examination as per our preparation and get the chance to re-appear immediately in the very next month.
Framework of ODE
The planning and operational aspects of the On-Demand Examination (ODE) are as follows:
1.Development of the Question Bank based on the Designs and Blueprints
2. Development of Software Application Programme
3. Generation of Question paper and the corresponding Marking Scheme
1. Advantages
2. Learner’s view
https://comosaconnect.org/on-demand-examination-system odes-of-nios/
3.hat are on demand exams?
4. Features
5. Framework for ODE
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1. Pariksha provides several on-demand test types such as: Group Test and Customize Test.
2. Group Test: A parent can conduct test for his child and teacher can conduct test for whole class.
3. Customize Test: It is type of test in which student as well as parents and teachers can conduct test on any topic and of any marks.
4. This leads parent and Teacher’s interaction with student.
5. This leads student to create his own questions and develops an ability face different type of questions.
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